Marketing to Customers Who Share Your Values: A Guide for Conscious Business Owners

Canopy Invocations
3 min readMar 25, 2024
Image from Canva

Consumers are not just looking for products or services; they are seeking connections with brands that resonate with their values and beliefs. Value-based consumerism offers a unique opportunity for business owners, especially those in niches like the metaphysical, spiritual, or any sector with a strong ethical or value-driven focus. The key to success lies in authentic marketing to customers who share your values.

Define Your Core Values Clearly

Articulate what your business stands for. These values should be more than just words on your website; they must be the guiding principles behind every company action. Whether it’s sustainability, social justice, spiritual growth, or community support, knowing your core values inside out enables you to communicate them effectively to your audience.

This has the added benefit of weeding out stakeholders who are not aligned with your values — a proactive approach that will reduce the need for crisis communication. Think of it like this — if you market broadly and someone with a following finds out that they fundamentally disagree with you, they will feel betrayed and will be vocal about it. This creates a communications crisis that could’ve been avoided by making yourself unattractive to them…

